Lister Machine Tools Ltd. represents CIDAN Machinery, manufacturers of Folding Machines, Mechanical Shears, Cut to Length Lines and Decoilers / Recoilers. CIDAN Machinery has manufactured machines since 1907 and is a well-established company within the sheet metal industry. They manufacture and market the brands CIDAN and Göteneds at their factory in Götene, Sweden.

CNC Folding Machines
Folding Range from 2550 x 1.75 to 4100 x 5mm
- Fast setup
- Leaves no marking on polished, painted or sensitive material
- Low noise
- Larger parts can be processed by a single operator
- Superior ergonomics
- Blank inaccuracy is corrected on the first bend
- One set of universal tooling for life of machine
- Programming and operation by non-skilled operators
- Main part of material on back gauge during folding
- Less risk of collision with operator during folding.
Mechanical Shears
Cutting lengths range from 1350 mm to 4050 mm and possess a cutting capacity of up to 4.5 mm.
CIDAN Machinery Shearing Machines cut steel and other materials with high accuracy. They are engineered to perform high quality cuts with a high number of cuts per minute. The machines have low maintenance and operation costs and are environmentally friendly and flexible to use in production.
Cut to Length
Range 1250 x 1.25 to 1550 x 2mm
CIDAN Machinery Cut to Length machines are an “all in one” unit with no limit in working length. Standard features include; Straightening Unit, Sheet Guide for in-feed, Guillotine Shear with hold down beam and double edged blades, Feeding unit, LineLink control system and foot pedal for remote feeding. These machines are perfect in production as they take up little space.
Decoilers (Manual & Motorized)
Manual Range 2 to 5 Ton x 1250 to 1520 mm
Motorized Range 5 to 10 Ton x 1550 mm Recoilers Range 5 Ton x 1250 to 1500mm
CIDAN Machinery has extensive experience in optimizing production flows for customers in the construction and manufacturing industry.
Read what some of Cidans customers say about their machines, systems and solutions. Want to know how you could streamline your manufacturing process?